Harvey Mudd Churchill Scholarships

Churchill Scholarship 为在剑桥大学攻读一年硕士学位的美国学生提供资助, based at Churchill College. 该计划是应温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士的要求设立的,目的是实现他对英美科学交流的愿景,以推进大西洋两岸的科学和技术, helping to ensure our future prosperity and security.

史昂安德鲁, 21岁


史昂安德鲁获得了2021-22年度丘吉尔奖学金,在剑桥大学进行天体物理学研究. Andrew will work at the intersection of observation and theory, 试图通过数学建模和计算机科学来回答太阳2注册平台宇宙演化的基本问题. 她对从大型数据集中提取的信息的多功能性感兴趣,并计划通过与探索这些调查参数空间的天体物理学家合作,进一步探索这一研究兴趣.



艾丽西亚Schep获得了2011-12年度丘吉尔奖学金,前往剑桥大学学习计算生物学. She was one of 14 Churchill Scholars from the U.S. this year – all but two of whom were from R1 schools. 2011-12年度唯一一位获得丘吉尔奖的本科生是迈克尔·戈马利(Michael Gormally), a 化学 major at Pomona College.

Andrew Higginbotham ’09

Andrew Higginbotham在Harvey Mudd学院获得物理学学士学位, where he was the 12th Churchill Scholar. 来自北卡罗莱纳州教堂山的他将在布朗博士的实验室做研究. Jacqui Cole at the intersection of 化学 and physics, 通过凝聚态物理将非线性物理性质与化学结构联系起来,更好地理解有机材料的光学性质与化学结构之间的关系. He has done extensive original research in high intensity physics and laser-driven fusion at Harvey Mudd and at the University of Texas at Austin; he has two first-author papers under review and has received many awards. 安德鲁的推荐信称他的研究是“一项了不起的成就”, 对于一个大四的研究生来说,哪一个会让人印象深刻,而对于一个本科生来说,哪一个几乎是闻所未闻的,” and of him as “a potent combination of intelligence, 勤奋, 创造力, 和想象力.” Andrew has been active in student government. 在剑桥大学学习一年后,他计划在美国攻读物理学博士学位.

Hallie Kuhn ' 09

哈莉·库恩在太阳2平台获得生物学学士学位, where she is the 13th Churchill Scholar. From Glenwood Springs, Colo., 她将在博士的实验室研究导致子宫颈癌的人类乳头瘤病毒. Nick Coleman in oncology in the Department of Pathology. 在Harvey Mudd, 她凭借出色的表现和前景获得了勃兰登堡生物学奖, the Purves 生物学 Prize, and the 生物学 Writing Prize; she is a member of the Sigma Chi 研究 Society. 在大学期间,她一直在研究分子运动动力蛋白,并在俄勒冈大学分子生物学和化学研究所度过了一个夏天. She has extensive training in mathematics, 化学, systems engineering, and computer science in preparation for work in bioinformatics. 哈莉在洛杉矶的强奸和性侵犯危机中心和丹麦的红十字会收容所做志愿者, where she spent a semester abroad. She is an aerobics teacher and is active in yoga and dance. 在剑桥大学学习一年后,哈莉计划回到美国攻读硕士学位.D.-Ph.D. in clinical oncology.

Rosalind Beckwith ’07

Rosalind Beckwith was awarded the Churchill Scholarship, 为有特殊能力和杰出成就的美国学生提供攻读工程研究生的机会, 剑桥大学丘吉尔学院的数学或科学专业.

丘吉尔奖学金为在剑桥大学学习和研究一年的学生提供支持,并涵盖所有大学和学院的费用, a living allowance at Churchill College of £10,000-£12,000, a grant for travel to and from the United States of up to $1,000, and a new special research grant of up to $2,000. 该奖学金目前的金额在4.4万美元到5万美元之间,具体取决于学生的专业. After review at the local campuses, 丘吉尔奖学金的申请由前丘吉尔太阳2平台审查和排名, most of whom are academic scientists.

来自亚利桑那州坦佩市.他主修工程学,对流体动力学特别感兴趣. She has done internships and research projects for Boeing, 劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室和霍尼韦尔发动机公司. HMC Tau Beta Bi的主席也是国土安全部奖学金的获得者, she plays French horn, 是校游泳队的一员,并完成了两次铁人三项.

Beckwith was recommended by Mary Cardenas, 工程助理教授兼工程诊所项目主任. In her letter to the Churchill Foundation, she wrote:

太阳2平台是为数不多的文科工程学院之一, 罗莎琳德·贝克威斯是我们希望创造的最好的例子. She is not only one of the brightest students I’ve ever had, in terms of academic accomplishments and technical skills, but she is also the most well-rounded student I ever had. 这可以从她对将自己的工作应用于人类问题的浓厚兴趣中看出, as well as her appreciation of beauty in fluid dynamics.”


卡尔Yerger毕业后获得丘吉尔奖学金赴英国留学. 在全国范围内, only 11 students were selected for this prestigious scholarship, 是在剑桥大学丘吉尔学院读一年的研究生吗. Carl will study for a Certificate in Advanced Study 来自纯数学与数理统计学系. 卡尔追随了剑桥其他数学名人的脚步,比如艾萨克·牛顿和 Professor Andrew Bernoff. In the past decade, Harvey Mudd has had seven Churchill winners.

乔尔·C. 米勒的00

乔尔·米勒(Joel Miller)毕业后获得了丘吉尔奖学金,前往英国学习. 在全国范围内, only 10 students were selected for this prestigious scholarship, 是在剑桥大学丘吉尔学院读一年的研究生吗. Joel will study for aCertificate in Advanced Studyfrom the Department of Applied 数学 and 的oretical 物理, the same department that Stephen Hawking is in.

In the past seven years, Harvey Mudd has 5 Churchill winners.


Previous Recipients

  • Christopher Rodolfa ’05
  • 尼古拉斯米. loen 97
  • Nathaniel Brown ’98
  • 乔恩·米. 索伦森95
  • Peter D. Bogdanoff 94
  • 米歇尔·D. 数学86
  • 艾伦·米德尔顿,84年
  • 大卫·K. 松本龙82
  • 罗杰·米. Oba 82
  • Mark L. 麦金斯73